Fashion tells us a story. There is a mood, a look, and a background being portrayed before us. Make-up what brings that story to life. It creates edge, a softness, and emotion to complete what the clothing is trying to tell us. Make-up MAKES fashion complete.

This shows us that you can change a regular jacket from dull to life by adding the clown make up. It bring the feeling of the picture from business to true fashion with the make up and hair. At the same time it adds edge by using typical clown make up and making the clown look sad, all of this feeling was added by the make-up.

Above the natural make-up used makes the fashion seem more sensual and adds a sense of freshness to the display. Lack of make-up/Natural looking make-up can add emotion to the fashion statement as well.

The make-up used above completes the edginess of the already edgy outfit. You couldn't take an edgy dress and use soft make-up, or it could change the whole feeling of the dress. So in this case they were just finishing off the edge and boldness in her make-up, completing the fashion statement trying to be made.

This picture tells a complete story. The feminine pink dress with the crown tells us she's a princess or very girly like figure, but as soon as the make-up is added there is a story made. The make-up makes her seem almost doll-like and the long bottom eyelashes adds a sense of sadness and sorrow to the girl. It's almost as if this is a girl who has everything, but still isn't happy, or is dressed up as something she doesn't want to be. The make-up connects you to her emotions, which then connects you to the clothing as well. It's all about the connection to buyers that makes fashion sell.

Vintage is brought back to fashion constantly. The make-up brings the picture from complete vintage to modern. Since the make up worn in the time of the clothing was more natural, when you put more bold and edgy make-up on them it brings them to the current time, and makes the clothes appear more modern and edgy as well. It creates a modern vintage.

This magazine cover proves how closely make-up and fashion go hand and hand. The picture is for fashion week, yet they don't even show the clothing, yet just looking at it you know that it's about fashion. Make-up is art, and with the stitching on her face, and the cloth hanging from her lips, we see fashion, make-up can make us see fashion even if you can't see the clothing.
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